Thomas McKenzie, the mind behind McKenzie Legal and Financial, heads our Whittier estate planning attorney team. As an expert financial advisor and legal planner, Thomas personally oversees the creation and customization of every document, deliberately avoiding generic templates common within the industry. This commitment guarantees that each plan is specifically designed to fully meet the unique needs of each client.
The absence of a skilled Whittier estate planning attorney can result in serious legal complications, family disagreements, and unforeseen expenses. McKenzie Legal & Financial confronts these issues head-on with bespoke solutions, ensuring detailed coverage for the distinct needs of our clients. Our expert Whittier estate planning attorneys excel in deciphering legal complexities, protecting assets, and preserving legacies. Partnering with us grants you unparalleled expertise, personalized care, and a detail-oriented strategy, all aimed at safeguarding your financial future through strategic estate planning.
McKenzie Legal & Financial is the premier choice for estate planning in Whittier, distinguished by our extensive expertise and consistent success. Our dedicated team of Whittier estate planning attorneys is focused on developing personalized solutions, meticulously guiding you through the estate planning process. We invite you to explore the specifics of your plan with us and benefit from strategies precisely tailored to your requirements. We offer a 30-minute consultation to demonstrate how our integrated financial and legal approaches effectively simplify the estate planning process for you.
Our dedication to excellence is what truly sets us apart. Each client is afforded personalized attention, ensuring a comprehensive strategy is implemented to protect their financial future through estate planning. Trust in McKenzie Legal & Financial as your estate planning partner in Whittier, where our commitment serves as the foundation for your financial security and legacy preservation. Contact our legal experts at 562-526-6941 to enhance your estate planning efforts and ensure the lasting protection of your legacy.
Whittier is a city in Los Angeles County with a population of about 87,000. The city was founded by a married couple of Quaker religious beliefs, and many other early settlers shared their religion.
These settlers named the city after Quaker poet John Greenleaf Whittier, who wrote a dedicated poem for the city. There is still a statue of him in Whittier Central Park and another one related to a poem of his.
Whittier College is a private liberal arts school in the city. It was also founded by Quakers and originally called Whittier Academy, and the school’s mascot is The Poet. Southern California University of Health Sciences is also located in the city. Azusa Pacific University was founded in Whittier, but later moved to the city of Azusa. In addition, the city is served by five different K-12 school districts.
The city has many California historical landmarks, including seven locations that are on the National Register of Historic Places. Whittier is also a popular filming location, featured in dozens of films and TV shows.
The Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital is the top employer in the city, and the high school district is the second largest employer.
Estate planning is a form of financial planning. However, unlike other types of financial planning, it primarily deals with what will happen after your death. This makes estate planning essential as this protects your loved ones and provides for them financially.
Wills, trusts, and other documents leave a clear, legally-acknowledged plan for what will happen to your estate after your death. The field also includes planning for old age and the possibility of becoming incapacitated. Making a financial plan for long-term medical or elder care can keep your assets safe from medical bills.
Trusts are a useful tool that can facilitate a smooth transition of assets from your name into your beneficiary’s. These can also keep assets safe for minor children, disabled adults, and beneficiaries who aren’t equipped to handle their own finances.
At McKenzie Legal & Financial, our team of expert Whittier estate planning attorneys is prepared to assist you in navigating the estate planning process. Offering personalized solutions designed specifically for your unique needs, we're committed to ensuring a stable and prosperous financial future for you and your family. Protect your legacy from unforeseen risks — take decisive action to safeguard your assets with our professional guidance. Book your consultation today at 562-526-6941!